EcoLacy®: Your Trusted Friend in the Kitchen

At EcoLacy®, we consider ourselves more than just a brand—we’re your path to a sustainable kitchen. As times change, we recognise the need for sustainability and embrace our responsibilities to our stakeholders and the world around us. That’s why we’re committed to creating hassle-free, convenient products that are better for the environment.

Freshness That Lasts, Less Food Waste

We understand the crucial role our products play in reducing food waste. With one-third of the food produced globally ending up in the bin, it’s time for a change. Our mission is to keep food fresh for longer, because more freshness means less waste. We also provide handy tips and tricks for optimal food storage solutions—so you’re always covered!

Our Mission

Plastic is an integral part of our lives, thanks to its unique properties: it’s light, flexible, malleable, and durable. We’re committed to using plastic responsibly, optimising every stage of the EcoLacy® product life cycle. We adhere to the ‘Four Rs’—Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle—to ensure we honour our responsibility and make a positive impact.


Join us on your journey

Together, let’s make a difference in our kitchens and our world. With EcoLacy®, you can trust that we’re always striving to bring you the best, while caring for the planet.

From our supply chain processes to our production practices, we are committed to reducing resource usage while upholding our high-quality standards. We will also continue to support our customers in minimising food waste by providing tips, recipes, and products designed to help food stay fresh longer.

Our goal is to achieve 100% circularity by 2030. A circular economy eliminates waste by ensuring that both products and packaging are returned to the production cycle. We have already made significant strides, as most of our LACY’S® products are now recyclable. Over the next few years, we will continue to increase this proportion until all our products can be recycled or composted. The recycling industry is making constant improvements, and we are actively contributing by participating in associations and supporting community projects.

Expanding our range of reusable products is essential to achieving our sustainability goals. Many of our products, such as cling film, zip bags, and baking paper, are designed for multiple uses. 

The journey to sustainability begins with a single idea. Our mission is to exclusively use recycled or renewable raw materials for our products and packaging by 2030. This commitment requires redesigning several products to meet our sustainability goals without compromising the high quality our brand is known for. We have already achieved a significant milestone: launching our EcoLacy brand with our eco products.

Our raw material suppliers are supporting us by adopting a mass balance approach, enabling the production of plastic from renewable or recycled resources. Together, we are putting this vision into action.

We have embarked on our journey towards greater sustainability and are thrilled to move closer to our goal with each successive step. 

In the meantime, our reusable products and those made with a mix of recycled and renewable resources continue to uphold the quality we are known for, while steering us in the right direction.